
國防部委託法人團體從事研發產製維修作業要點已完成修頒,請至本網站網頁/相關文件/作業法規/下載    機關辦理研製修軍品選擇性招標,應隨時接受法人團體資格審查程序,相關資訊已公告本網站「相關文件/一般文件」網頁中參閱    認製修企劃書新版(1120213版)已公佈於會報網頁/相關文件/一般文件,可下載運用    國防部112年度委託法人團體從事研發產製維修釋商軍品公開展示與後續需求說明即將舉行,相關資訊請至本會報網站訊息公告中參閱與下載   


An error occurred while processing your request.

Request ID: 0HN08V1KDHAH4:00000001

Development Mode

Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.

Development environment should not be enabled in deployed applications, as it can result in sensitive information from exceptions being displayed to end users. For local debugging, development environment can be enabled by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development, and restarting the application.